
Throughout this semester I have been taking a Family Relations course. I have learned more and more how important families are. There is undeniable evidence in all aspects of peoples lives that leads to the necessity of families. After seeing the emotional toll, and even physical affects that a disorganized family causes has reinforced my desire to create a strong unbreakable bond with my husband so that my children never have to experience the struggles that a broken family can cause.

Can families recover from a divorce or a difficult family situation? Absolutely, a strong and appropriate blended family can create the same kind of joy and happiness. The important part its to have it be a FAMILY. A father and a mother working seamlessly together to create a safe and loving environment for their children is the best way to  have that.

There are situations where divorce may be necessary. If you have a partner who is abusive to you or have abandoned you. It used to be that there were four A's that warranted a divorce. It was much harder then than it is now to get a divorce. The four A's are:

ABUSE - when a spouse is physically, verbally, or sexually abusive to you (the spouse) or your children. If you felt that you were in serious danger it was almost a 100% guarantee that they will approve that divorce.

ABANDONMENT - if you or your spouse just gets up and leaves and does not come back, completely leaves your life then you can request to get a divorce and it will be approved.

ADULTERY - if you or your spouse chooses to be unfaithful to the other you could also request a divorce and have it be approved. This can create  huge divide and you are not expected to fix this problem. However, it is possible to recover a marriage from a situation like this. Not in all situations but I have seen it happen and trust that by getting through that difficult stressful situation you can truly fix this and become stronger. It may be one the most difficult things you will have ever done but it will come out stronger.

ADDICTION - If you or your spouse was addicted to any substance you could also request a divorce and have it approved. This addiction can greatly affect the family unit and that is why it is necessarily in extreme cases.

In today's day and age you can request a divorce for anything. All you have to say is you have irreconcilable differences and then you can end the marriage. There is not a care in the world and though kids are involved they aren't really thought about or taken into account in this situation.

A study once done with divorced couples brought to light some amazing discoveries. Over 70% of people who divorced said that they could have and should have worked out their differences and stayed married. Within 2 years, which is still a newer/fresh divorce, they were already saying they should have stayed with and worked things out with their partners. Those statistics are huge!!! Studies have also shown that 70% of people feel more satisfied with their marriage after 5 years of being together. These stats go together. For people who don't stick it out they wish they would have, and for people who do, they are much happier.

Again, from my family relations class I have mainly learned that families are meant to stay together. Families are not a breeze and having a good and happy one takes a lot of work. But they are meant to stay together. Sometimes it takes us swallowing our pride, learning and practicing more patience, discovering selflessness and many more things to be happy. But hard thing tend to be worth it. If possible (and appropriate) do not take the easy way out. In the end the divorce with be very difficult on you and especially your kids if you have them.

Classmates blogs: https://kenziefer.blogspot.com/2019/05/other-links.html


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