Theories and Systems of Families.

Theory: and explanation to describe a phenomenon.

Within families there are several theories that we have identifies that make sense out of the way we treat others, react in situations, and understand intimate relationships. There are many theories that we commonly use to explain any given situation within a relationship. For example, lets say that I am happily married and in love with my husband. Through the years I notice that I tend to do a lot for him. I make him dinner, I clean the kitchen, I do his laundry, I take care of his kids, I do so much for him! And what does he do for me? I mean he goes to work everyday and makes money but as soon as he gets home, nothing! I'm starting to think that our relationship must not mean that much to him since he is barely doing anything in comparison to what I do for him. Did this bring a thought to anyone's mind? Have these thoughts creeper into your mind during a relationship? If so, you are not crazy! There is a theory specifically realized to explain these thoughts. This is called the exchange theory. The thought of "you owe me one" would be a prefect phrase to explain this in short words.

There are so many theories out there and with most every interaction, your words, emotions and actions can be related to and summed up by a theory. Most families do not exclusively fit under one theory, yet are made up of just about all of them. There is a great importance in  understanding some of these basic theories. They can make sense out of a lot of situations and also help contribute to finding a solution by using these theories.

System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network. 

Another way that we can look at and understand families is by looking at systems and subsystems within families. A family system begins with a husband and a wife. The system between them includes all of the little things each member of the system does in order to keep things running and going. Within my own family system it is my husband and I. Our system includes both of us attending school and working part time in order to keep our system running. As soon as we have a child, the system we have will be "interrupted". Of course we don't have to view this as a bad thing, but the system will not be the same. One of us will likely work less, and attend school less to be able to tend to our newest addition of our family. With the addition of people to our system we will see a more diverse change in roles and the way things are run.

Rules: one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere.

Roles: the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation.

This can lead us into rules and roles. Each member within a family typically will take on and adapt to a role. A mothers role is typically to care for and nurture her children. In an ideal situation she will stay home and take care of things that go on there, while the husband fulfills his role of providing for the family by going to work and making money. These roles help the SYSTEM run. There are also many rules within a family system that makes up a family and the way they are. Many of these rules are unspoken. For example, in certain cultures, the children know that when there are adult visitors coming over to the house they need to either leave the house or disperse to their rooms to be out of sight. There is no sign on the wall telling them this, or a mother constantly reminded them, it is just something that they know. And many times these rules continue through generations by habit.

 The rules we follow put us into the roles we are in. The roles that we identify with and practice are an intricate and important detail of the family system. The theories we can recognize within our families can also help us to identify and resolve problems within the family systems! CRAZY!! If we try to understand our family system and break them apart into rules and roles we can make our families better and running smoother.

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