intimacy in marriage

Intimacy within marriage is a boding experience filled with love, concern, and care for the other person. Doesn't that sound amazing? If we do marital intimacy in the right way it will not only bless the marriage but it will create a a wholesome and happy life to be carried on throughout several years. Intimacy within marriage has several different parts. There is emotional intimacy, intellectual intimacy, spiritual intimacy and physical intimacy. The combination of these make a happy life and marriage relationship. We tend to think of intimacy as being a sexual thing but there is so much more to intimacy than just sex. However, that is the part of intimacy that I am going to focus on today. It is not the only player on the field, but it is very necessary.

Physical intimacy is so important in  a relationship because it creates a bond and close relationship that could not be formed otherwise. When having sex there are several chemicals that are released within the body for both men and women. Dopamine (which affects the bodies mood -- creates happiness) in males and females  gets released during it, overall, increasing the mood of both individuals. Next is Serotonin (helps the body feel wellness and health) is released in both males and females. The last chemical that is released is Oxytocin (this is a binding chemical. It is referred to as the "love-hormone" or "cuddle-hormone") which is mainly produced in women during physical intimacy. This is the same hormone that is released when a mother gives birth to a baby. This is an amazing thing that all of these happy and bonding chemicals are produced within our bodies during this special and intimate moment. This can be amazing and special if used correctly. However, it can be damaging and difficult if used improperly.

When people choose to have multiple sexual relationships with multiple people you can run into  lot of problems. This Oxytocin chemical is released no matter who we are physically intimate with. If we choose to sleep with some guy we met at a party, or a guy we saw that lives on the same floor of your building you will naturally become attached to every single one of these guys.  There are so many negative things that can happen during these situations. Commitment issues can arise, confusion will happen, and you will likely never be able to feel the same about someone we are dating without comparing that person to the connection you felt to someone else during that one night. Many mental health issues could be connected to this fact and it almost seems obvious to me how bad this can be for people.

Physical intimacy should be between you and your husband or wife ONLY. Having had multiple sex partners can be damaging and hard to reconcile with during a new relationship. Saving yourself until marriage can pave the way for a happy, healthy relationship with no confusion, commitment issues, or feeling that no one measures up, or that you don't measure. up. This physical bond is an incredible thing and should be done with care and love with focus being on the other persons pleasure, not your own. If both people have this mindset you will find that nothing will amount up to this wonderful experience.

We also need to keep in mind that God as given and even commanded us to procreate. We were made to create and bring children into this world. This is such a sacred and special act and it needs to be treated with the utmost respect. Having a healthy physical intimate relationship can be so rewarding if done right. It is something that we all want.

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