gender roles and the family

A traditional family consists of a mother, father, and children. Within this family each member has certain responsibilities and roles. It is important that these roles are fulfilled in order for the family to function well. I plan to break down the specific gender roles mainly in the mother and father and what being a female and male has to do with each of those.

Females by nature, tend to be more sensitive, better communicators, and more relationship driven. Throughout history we have seen that it is more typical to have the mother be in the home nurturing and holding down the house. They are primarily responsible for spending time with and caring for the children. With staying home to fulfill that extremely important task of rearing your children they also tend to take on household tasks such as laundry, dishes, house cleaning, etc. Many people today find this "typical" role to be sexist and outdated. These specific attributes that come with the female gender can be seen in children as young as 2-4 days old. Research has recognized that female babies will move their lips and tongue well before male babies. You could even say that they mimic the movements of their mother's or father's mouth while they speak to them. This could explain how females tend to have better communication skills when it comes to talking. Females also have been found to be more relationship driven while playing with friends at a young age as well. Many girls also tend to focus on the relationship side of things when bad things may happen. Take for example, a group of girls playing and one of them does something that another doesn't like. It is more likely for those girls to be confused by her actions because they are friends.

Males by nature, tend to be more aggressive or competitive, physically stronger, and spacially oriented. Throughout history we have seen that the man of the household tends to be the "bread winner". What this means is that he will go out in the world and get a job/career to provide for his family financially. I think that we can all recognize that the real world can seem overwhelming and difficult to manage. The fact that males tend to be the bread winner is not a coincidence. Their aggressive and competitive nature helps them in succeeding in that tough environment. It seems that when a male is motivated for a job or a special opportunity many times there isn't much that he wouldn't do in order to get that because of the motivation he holds with him knowing he has a family to take care of at home. Physical strength is an attribute that seems to make a woman and a man just fit together. Women tend to have smaller bodies which can mean they are susceptible to many things in today's world. However, with a mans strength in the home there can be a comfort there that you could not feel otherwise.

Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I firmly believe that it is a women's divine role to nurture and care for children while it is the mans role to provide and preside over the family. Our church published a document called The Family: A Proclamation to the World" ( And within this document is explains what we believe those roles are and what they mean to us during this life on earth. I cannot comprehend how perfectly men and women are designed to fulfill these gender specific roles. Women grow and birth children, their bodies have the capability to create another human life, it only makes sense that that same woman would care for and nurture that young baby. Men have a competitive and strong demeanor which aids them in being successful in the world to provide for his own. SO much research has been done on these gender roles and the findings are absolutely amazing. Our gender directly relates to our talents, attributes, and roles in our families.

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